Shown below is a view of a position a little north
of the Miller Cornfield, near the East Woods, looking southwest toward
the West Woods.
This scene is more or less what would have witnessed by the right flank of Sedgwick's Division as it emerged from the East Woods. The Dunker Church, nestled up against the West Woods, is visible on the left. The objective of the Division, and the scene of its disaster, is the section of the Woods directly in the center of this view.
In a sense, this is the first time that this view has been observable in about a hundred years, owing to the destruction of the West Woods and the construction of the post war farm buildings that now occupy the crest of the rise in the center of the view. Since farmers in this region practice crop rotation farming, it is unlikely that a nineteenth century visitor to the battlefield would find corn growing in what is now known as the 'Miller Cornfield'. Therefore, the unique elements of this view - corn, woods, church, and lack of post-war development - may not have existed since about the time of the war itself.