After the Federals retreated out of Piper's Swale, all was quiet near
the Sunken Road for several hours.
At around 4:30, Colonel Irwin ordered the 7th Maine to advance into
Piper's Swale and take the Piper farm buildings.
Since Confederate forces had held off two Federal Brigades there
only a few hours earlier, it is unknown what Irwin hoped to accomplish
in such a reckless venture.
As ordered, the 7th Maine advanced into the swale, veering to the right
where they encountered a Confederate line behind a stone wall along
the turnpike.
Repulsed, the Federal regiment slipped to the left into the orchard
where they met more Confederates advancing out of Piper's Lane.
Flanked on both sides,
the 7th Maine retreated back toward the Sunken Road in good order,
pouring fire into their pursuers.
A hundred more Union solders littered the Piper farm.
By the time the 7th Maine returned to the Federal line, it was dark,
and no further action took place here.